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City of Charlestown Invites Community to Gather for Fellowship and Community Service on 9/11

Writer: City of CharlestownCity of Charlestown

CHARLESTOWN, INDIANA – Community members from Charlestown, Indiana will join in patriotic acts of service to mark the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks during the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance. Volunteers will meet this Friday morning at City Hall to plant flowers and clean up the city’s square, pausing for moments of silence at 8:46, 9:03, 9:37, and 10:03 am to reflect on the lives lost that fateful Tuesday morning.

Charlestown residents are invited to the city square this Friday, September 11th at 8:30 am to gather in (socially distant) fellowship in honor and remembrance of those who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks on the morning of Tuesday, September 11th, 2001. If you can't join us in person, you are invited to tune in via a live-stream and be with us in solidarity from wherever you are. Please bring your mask or face covering, and arrive for brief remarks at 8:30 am. Let's gather in unity - but with respect for the social distance of others. Stay and join us as we plant flowers and clean up our Charlestown city square while pausing throughout the morning to remember.

Since September 11, 2001, millions of Americans have come together with a common purpose to honor 9/11 and commemorate the tragedy through volunteer service. Together, they represent a shared belief that by neighbor helping neighbor, we can make our country stronger and better for decades to come. Every community has needs, large and small. September 11th and the surrounding days are opportunities to demonstrate your patriotism and make a commitment to address them by volunteering in honor of 9/11 and throughout the year.

“September 11th is a day of history, emotion, and reflection,” said Mayor Treva Hodges. “For many Americans it is also a day of service that provides an opportunity for citizens to put into action a shared belief that by joining our neighbors in even the smallest acts of good, we can make our country stronger and better for decades to come while we honor those who lost their lives in 2001, and those who rose in service to our country. We remember where we were at those exact moments – and as the years pass it’s important that we come together and continue to bear witness to the history that has forever changed our nation. Along with the tragedy we must remember the heroism, the fortitude and perhaps most importantly in these times of unprecedented division – the way our country came together.”

Hodges also plans to issue a proclamation declaring the date to be a local day of service and recognition.

September 11th was designated a National Day of Service by Congress in 2009 and is led by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), the federal agency that engages millions of Americans in service through its AmeriCorps and Senior Corps programs and is responsible for the nation's volunteering and service efforts. For more information, visit

CNCS partners with, the nonprofit that, along with 9/11 families, began the 9/11 Day observance more than a decade ago, and engages hundreds of nonprofit groups, faith-based organizations, schools, and businesses nationwide.


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